Monday Aug 02, 2021

S02E17 - Carry One Another’s Burdens

One of the primary ways to love one another is to bear one another’s burdens. In this week’s devo, Pastor Joby talks about Mary, Martha and their brother, Lazarus. In John 11, we see how Jesus carries the burdens of his friends. Jesus knows Lazarus is going to die and He is going to bring Lazarus back to life, but he meets Mary and Martha where they are and bear their burden when they needed it most. He weeps with those who are weeping.

We’re called to bear one another’s burdens because Jesus bore our sin on the cross. As Jesus bears your burden, are you willing and able to bear one another’s burdens?

Bear one another's burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ. – Galatians 6:2

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